
Lost Sudanese 45s

09/01/2016Oakland Blog Digs Up Shellac Rarities From Sudan’s ‘Golden Age’

Believe it or not, there are still people out there excavating old shellac records. Yes, shellac, that's right, as in that form of resin used to make records, before vinyl (alias wax) came around, offering a more durable medium with less surface noise.

But back to those special few 'musical archaeologists' investing their time and money digging up rare treasures to now be digitally preserved for all time. Meet David Murray from Oakland, CA, head of ShellacHead, a "world music blog dedicated to 78 and 45 rpm records".

Every year Dave compiles a special batch of rare finds in an annual update. His latest collection features 15 obscure 45s from Sudan's Munsphone label dating back to the 1960s-70s, which Murray describes as "a hypnotic blend of traditional Sudanese sounds with influences from abroad. These legendary artists thrived during this brief period until authoritarian Islamists brought the Golden Age to an abrupt end in the 1980s".

Have a listen or buy the compilation for a meager 5$. It also comes with a downloadable pdf offering more information.

via/ Excavated Shellac

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom