Transitioning into July, we take a moment to enjoy another blast from the past with a 'new' annual best-of Globalwize selection by WeltBeat host and selector Jean Trouillet. This one takes us back to the year 2014 and features a total of 37 tracks now compiled into one playlist streaming via Greedio on Spotify. Here's a quick rundown of the artists included:
The "Best of Globalwize 2014" selection kicks off with a Vivaldi concerto performed by Dresden's La [...]
Like the gift that keeps on giving, WeltBeat host and selector Jean Trouillet returns to Greedio with a brand-new episode of his far-reaching deep listening format. Originally aired on Frankfurt's radio X, his "Globalwize Radioshow #425" is now streaming exclusively via the Greedio channel on Mixcloud, bringing listeners a fresh two hours of hand-picked new music from around the globe. And here's what you get, once you hit play:
Opening show #425 are [...]
Thank G*d it's Friday! And, to celebrate the rapidly approaching weekend, we're back with a brand-new instalment of WeltBeat selector and host Jean Trouillet's regular far-reaching Globalwize format. This time, we bring you a 'Punky Reggae Party' special, as Trouillet is once again joined by the honourable and knowledgable studio guest Jack Sapphire.
For this "Globalwize Radioshow #424", the two place a special focus on the evolutionary lines between the genres [...]
The heat is on! We've made it to June and left May behind us, except for a few of our favourite new releases and musical discoveries, which we've now compiled in another one of our monthly playlists for you to enjoy at your convenience. Our latest Greedio selection is primarily upbeat, quirky at times, full of surprises and now streaming on Spotify. Here's what to expect:
The "Greedio X May 23" playlist includes extraordinary tunes by France-based Cameroonian [...]
Bringing this week to a close is the latest far-reaching Globalwize broadcast by WeltBeat host and selector Jean Trouillet. Originally aired on Frankfurt community radio X, this episode is an 'African Presence' takeover, including special studio guests Manga Diagne and Wellid from the forthcoming Afrikanisches Kulturfest set to take place in Frankfurt from June 30th - July 2nd. That being said, here's a quick rundown of what to expect:
The "Globalwize [...]
After facing some unfortunate licensing issues on Mixcloud a few weeks back and therefore being unable to upload #421 to our channel, we now return to bring you a brand-new instalment of WeltBeat host and selector Jean Trouillet's regular, far-reaching broadcast on Frankfurt community radio X, now successfully uploaded to our channel and ready to be streamed by you. If you're new to our webzine and have no idea what we're talking about, Trouillet's Globalwize [...]
In another return to the radio X vaults, WeltBeat host and selector Jean Trouillet unearths his best-of Globalwize picks for the year 2013. 37 of the 40 chosen tracks that year are now streaming on Spotify via Greedio. But before we let you dig in, here's a quick rundown of who made the cut:
The "Best of Globalwize 2013" selection includes extraordinary music by Breton traditional singer and player of the treujenn-gaol (Breton clarinet) Érik Marchand, Polish [...]
We feel like you've waited long enough. It's mid-April after all and thus due time for another monthly Spotify selection, presenting our favourite new releases and musical discoveries of the past month for you to stream as you please. Our "Greedio X April '23" playlist encompasses a wide array of styles, which we attempted bring together in a way that would make for an enjoyable 80-something minutes.
Opening on a beautiful 1986-released classical piece by [...]
As we near this month's halfway mark, we take one last look back at the month of March, the new releases it brought us and the favourite musical discoveries we made. Our latest Spotify playlist of extraordinary tracks from around the globe contains 20 productions that left a lasting impression. You will find a few of these reviewed in our magazine, but otherwise, we simply hope you enjoy the selection.
Our lineup for the month of March opens on a gorgeous [...]
Every now and then, Weltbeat host and selector Jean Trouillet decides to shake things up a bit and air a Globalwize special, by picking a certain theme for his two-hour broadcast. After his "Dubwize Special" with German author, journalist, sound engineer, producer and keynote speaker Helmut Philipps back in December 2022 for show #414 and his "Mali Special" a few weeks ago for show #418, he recently recorded another special, strutting the Rastafarian colours of [...]
Join us for another audio trip back in time, alongside Weltbeat host and selector Jean Trouillet and the annual best-of selection of his far-reaching global format on Frankfurt community radio X. Each year, Trouillet airs a special broadcast to present his personal favourite and most significant releases of that year. More recently, he began archiving his annual selections in best-of playlists and making them available to be streamed ad libitum via Greedio on [...]
Just a few weeks after his 'Mali Special' Globalwize broadcast, Weltbeat selector and host Jean Trouillet is back with a brand-new episode of his far-reaching format. Originally aired on Frankfurt's community radio X, his latest show brings us another eclectic two-hour selection of music from all around the world. Here's a quick rundown of the artists you can expect to hear:
The "Globalwize Radioshow #419" opens with French harpsichordist Jean Rondeau [...]