Ecuadorian Highlands

10/05/2016Burgeoning Electronic Producer Nicola Cruz Delves Into The Mystical Andes

In our editorial exploits to date, only rarely have we ventured into the more mainstream field of dance floor oriented, club productions, for no reason in particular. Let's just say we still have a lot of musical ground to cover and a plethora of styles to embrace.

Founded in 2013 by Thomas Von Party and his partner Angus Gruzman, up-and-coming Montreal-based label Multi Culti is known for spreading its body-moving, psychedelic wizardry and multicultural philosophy across all channels: "From the age of the ancient empire to the accelerated present, cultural movements have spread the globe with increasingly complex webs. Evolutionary entities are created everyday, fusing memories of folk + ceremonial musics of the African diasporas; Asian classical, religious + rural traditions; European art music + folk song; rituals of the Pacific and Amazonas, all whirling in a primordial soup of barely understood technological innovation." – David Toop

Among the imprint's most recent groundbreaking output ranks Nicola Cruz's brilliant 1-hour mix, delving deep into the mystic world of the Andes (the world's largest continental mountain range). According to his bio, the French-born electronic producer, musician and DJ of South American decent currently lives and works in Quito, Ecuador in the heart of said mountain range, spearheading an "ongoing South American movement", while linking "past and present, traditional and modern, [while] exploring local indigenous and afro cosmologies through a carefully crafted analogue sound" in his musical output.

Enjoy this special blend of local productions and field recordings, a spiritual journey into 21st century South American sounds transcending space and time. You can listen to the mix in the player above, with the tracklist featuring below. And yes, you will hear the occasional pan pipes.

- Andes Dream (Intro)
- Quixosis - Cuchara de Palo
- Ozy - Chrome-drip
- Montoya - Chuquy
- El Buho - Calchaqui (NC Arp Remix)
- Nicola Cruz - Invocación
- SidiRum & Barda - Color
- Brazil Chinese Shop - Mr Lawrence
- Field Recording 03.
- Jardin Soñador (Pasaje)
- Rodrigo Gallardo - Vamos Mujer
- Bonnie & Klein - Singularity
- Nicola Cruz - Mantis
- Nicola Cruz - La Cosecha
- Matanza & Feathered Sun - How Strange (Nicola Cruz Remix)
- Nicola Cruz - Alba
- Nicola Cruz & Coletivo Paulista feat. Fabiola - Nem Ouro Nem Prata
- El Remolón - Energía Natural (Chancha Vía Circuito Remix)
- Puelche - Lihue
- Volcan Tungurahua Exploting (Field Recording)

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom