Talking: African Fabrics

11/03/2016Daniel Haaksman On His Latest LP Release

A few weeks back we received a promotional copy of Daniel Haaksman's second artist album "African Fabrics", which officially released two weeks ago. Besides the vibrant blend of African sounds with bass music styles from the Northern hemisphere, we were also intrigued by the story behind the album title itself; so-called African fabrics, perceived as being of African heritage, whereas actually they are a colonial byproduct, originally imported by the Dutch by ways of Indonesia.

Daniel Haaksman's elaborate approach stuck with us, prompting us to reconsider our everyday perception of the world that surrounds us, what we take for granted, what we think we know or believe to be, what we assume. In other words, authenticity as we conceive it, no longer exists. Instead, "African Fabrics" focusses on "translating local and regional styles into other contexts", resulting in a rousing pastiche of quasi-African soundscapes.

That being said, we got to sit down with the man himself and meet this veteran of global musical styles, a true scientist of sound and willing interlocutor. Listen to the entire interview via the player above, stream the entire album or buy the vinyl with its amazing artwork here.

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom