

16/06/2017A Prize-Winning Documentary On The ''Father Of African Cinema"

Just ahead of yet another week's end, we would like to recommend this brilliant 90-minute documentary film to broaden your cinematic horizon. Thanks to Daniel Haaksman for tipping us off!

"Some say we are made of flesh and blood. I believe we are made of stories", goes the opening line of the official trailer to "SEMBENE!", a 2015-released, prize-winning documentary about the masterful Senegalese director, producer and writer Ousmane Sembene: "SEMBENE! tells the unbelievable true story of the self-taught 'father of African cinema,' who fought enormous odds to return African stories to Africa."

The film can be rented/streamed here for 3.65 €, which is a fair deal, for such an inspiring biography: “The moral judgment of his biographers is rigorous … a major step in drawing attention back to a titan of world cinema, whose influence was never contained by the frame, or the screen.” –Indiewire

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom