
25/08/2015Bridging The Gap Between Musicians And Artists

A few weeks ago CassandraDaily, a daily trends newsletter released an email featuring a selection of apps that seek to forge closer relationships between musicians and their audiences, which we would like to share with you:

Take Fansino for example, developed by two Israeli entrepreneurs, the app lets musicians monitor who is listening to their songs in real-time, which is something streaming services currently don’t offer. Artists can thus reach out to fans directly to make them aware of upcoming tours or simply to wish them a happy birthday, while fans can join in direct chats with and access exclusive content by the artists.

Another innovative music-oriented app goes by the name of Groopy. By asking fans to accommodate artists and groups on tour, bands can save significant expenses, while fans can bond with their new favourite acts. Sounds a bit creepy if you ask us, but hey, this could really be interesting for up and coming artists with low touring budgets.

And finally FanFlex enables bands to post tentative tour schedules to test the waters before heading out and possibly losing money. This reduces the risk for both the artists and the venues booking those artists. Bands can determine which dates to play and also create crowd-funding campaigns to make touring possible in the first place.

These are just a couple of exciting innovations sure to shape our interaction in the future! Let's see what's next...

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom