Okay Africa!

17/08/2015Introducing Okayplayer's New Partner Channel

Launched back in 1999 by ?uestlove, famed drummer of The Roots and musical connoisseur in a league of his own, the Okayplayer webzine has been one of the go-to sites for urban music afficionados from across the globe for quite some time now. Running alongside its Okayfuture associate, which in turn specializes on new electronic as well as hiphop- and soul-influenced bass music, Okayplayer is now expanding its groundbreaking reach:

The newest addition to the taste-making family is Okayafrica, a “cultural guide to all that's hot and jumping in the new African renaissance. […] Okayafrica quite simply represents Africa’s New Wave; with more than half the population in many African nations under 25, the bright continent is currently undergoing an explosion of vibrant new music, fashion, art and political expression”.

Focussing on “emerging and progressive artists, blending traditional aesthetics with a futurist lifestyle” we here at Greedy will be keeping a close eye on Okayafrica’s contemporary and stylistically diverse curation from the African continent and diaspora and suggest you do as well.

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom