No Risk, No Fun

12/03/2019Israeli Animation Artist Osi Wald Takes On Malox's "Istanbul"

Remember MALOX? Well, it has been something like two years, since we last reported on the potent Israeli duo (now trio), composed of Eyal Talmudi (sax, clarinet, bag-pipes) and Roy Chen (drums) as well as latest band member Assaf Talmudi (keys). Back in 2016 Eyal and Roy released their album "Gaza Trip" and our ears are still ringing. 

One of the tracks on said album was a loony 8-bit synth composition entitled "Istanbul", which was created by cleverly sampling and re-arranging the band's sounds. The track definitely has a comedic feel to it and recently inspired Israeli animation artist and long-time friend of the band Osi Wald ("Waltz With Bashir") to create equally freaky, looping companion visuals

Watch below at your own risk. But hey, no risk, no fun, right? 

AUTHOR: Lev Nordstrom